Nama : Gita Rahardiyani A

NPM : 10207503

Kelas : 4EA03

Mat.Kul : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2


New UNESCO World Heritage Site

Thu Feb 24, 2011


The British government build these prisons in the late 18th and 19th centuries. Some of these sites remind Australian of their dark pass when many people from Europe came bond wih chains, sentenced to punishment ‘transfer’ for crimes such as theft to murder. Of the 11 sites listed by UNESCO, five in Tazmania, including Port Arthur, which services a punitive institution until 1877.


Nama : Gita Rahardiyani A

NPM : 10207503

Kelas : 4EA03

Mat.Kul : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2


STATE PUBLIC SCHOOL 78. April 1, 2011

Road Bhakti IV /I, Kemanggisan. West Jakarta.

Phone (021) 5482914


To : Deputy Head of School in Facilities / Infrastructure

From : Head of School

Page : Preparation Meeting

We ask that you prepare the hall space and equipment for meeting graduation class III which will be help on May 28, 2011.

Thank you for your assistance.


Tugas Halaman 135. Exercise 36 : no. 1-5

Nama : Gita Rahardiyani A

NPM : 10207503

Kelas : 4EA03

Mat.Kul : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

1. To leave

2. Repaired

3. Typeed

4. To call

5. Painted

6. Write

7. Lie

8. Sent

9. Cut

10. Signed

11. Leave

12. Washed

13. To fix

14. Published

15. To find

Tugas Halaman 132. Exercise 35 : no.1-5 Passive Voice

Nama : Gita Rahardiyani A

NPM : 10207503

Kelas : 4EA03

Mat.Kul : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

1. The President was calls by someday everyday

2. He other members are being John

3. Mr.watson be called tonight by somebody

4. Considerable damage had been coused by fire

5. The supplies had been should for this class by teacher